Membership in the AFBC lets you take part in exclusive networking events, speaker series, advocacy platforms, volunteer opportunities, and the AFBC awards featuring British Columbia’s Lieutenant-Governor Awards.

Architects AIBC (a title defined by the AIBC) as well as affiliates — all allied professionals eg. interior designers, urban planners, engineers, developers, those who work for developers, those who work for design firms, those in construction or sub-trades.
Intern Architects AIBC, Architectural Technologists and Retired Architects AIBC.
This category applies to those not working directly in the industry but have an interest in architecture and design (e.g. high school teachers, retail store owners/employees, restaurant owners/employees.)
Students enrolled in architecture or a related field in an accredited post-secondary institution. Student members may be asked to provide proof of enrollment (e.g. student card).

Upon completion of registration you will be sent a Membership form to provide firm details
AIBC-regulated architectural firms, with 50+ employees.
AIBC-regulated architectural firms, with 11 to 49 employees.
AIBC-regulated architectural firms, with 1 to 10 employees as well as allied firms, of all sizes.

Patron Circle
For individuals who generously make a one-time donation of $25,000 or more. Details to be discussed with “Patron Circle” member. We are flexible to get you the type of brand recognition allowable under the CRA Charities Directorate Guidelines. Benefits include: • Five-year membership for up to 5 individuals/firms. • Complimentary tickets to events. • Prominent branding on AFBC online/offline platforms.
Financial Statements
As a member, you get access to our annual financial statements as we want to ensure transparency with our member base.
When you sign up for an AFBC membership, the AFBC collects personal information from you. We may collect information like your: Mailing address, Details relating to your business (for example, firm name and role), Email address, Name, and Phone number. We share this information with Squarespace, our website hosting provider, so they can provide website services to us. As you sign up for your membership, this site may auto-complete your mailing address by sharing what you type with the Google Places API and returning suggestions to you to improve your experience and our customer service.